6 Best Ways To Farm for Gold in Diablo 4 (2025)

Key Takeaways

  • Increase the game difficulty for more gold, but don't make it too hard or you'll earn less.
  • Sell unwanted items to vendors for extra gold and clear inventory clutter. Focus on legendary and rare items.
  • Farm gold efficiently by completing World Events, dungeon runs, and Whispers of the Dead bounties.

Diablo 4 is hectic enough. The last thing you should worry about is having an empty coin purse. Gold is the primary currency, and you’ll quickly learn you'll need it for almost everything from upgrading potions and gear to buying new items.


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With the importance of gold, it makes sense to learn how to hoard as much of it as possible. This way, you'll never worry again about being short on change. All it takes is learning the best way to farm gold, and you can finally pour all of your attention in Diablo 4 onto everything else with gold being merely an afterthought.

6 Increase The Game Difficulty

Tougher Enemies Equal More Gold

6 Best Ways To Farm for Gold in Diablo 4 (2)

This trick can work as a gold farming opportunity in Diablo 4 as long as it's used correctly. On higher difficulties, enemies can drop far more gold. So, if you feel like you’re not getting enough, feel free to increase the difficulty setting.

There’s only one thing to consider: don’t make it too hard.

If it’s too hard for your current skill and character level, you’ll wind up earning less gold than you would have by keeping the difficulty setting lower. This is because you can take far too long to defeat enemies, which cuts down on how much gold you’ll earn. Challenge yourself, but make sure you can actually meet the challenge head-on to turn this into a gold farm.

5 Sell Unwanted Items

Vendors Can Do More Than Sell

6 Best Ways To Farm for Gold in Diablo 4 (3)

A consistent way to earn gold is by simply visiting the same place you spend it. You will always pick up loot you don’t need during your travels. When you happen to return to town, you should seek out the closest vendor and sell to them. It’s a good way to cut down on your inventory and make a little extra money at the same time.


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Focus on getting rid of items that are unneeded for your specific character. If it doesn’t align with your build, then you don't need it, do you? And there are even some items made only for certain classes, which makes them even more useless for your run when there’s no transmog available for them. You’ll score an impressive amount of gold for Legendary and Rare items too.

4 Complete World Events

An Easier Gold and XP Farm

6 Best Ways To Farm for Gold in Diablo 4 (5)

World Events are a fun way to farm for gold. Frequently check out your map for these events as you can also earn a good amount of XP and additional loot. Although you can easily earn more gold doing other tasks, you can transform this into a gold farm thanks to how World Events are designed.

If you use the town portal to teleport, you’ll drop into a new World Event session each time. As long as you teleport back and forth, you can repeatedly use the event to pad your pockets.

3 Take On Different Dungeons

Time For Some Dungeon Diving

Hitting up a dungeon or two is standard practice in Diablo 4, but dungeon runs also work well as a gold farm. You can turn just about any dungeon into a farming area. But be sure to focus on the ones you can actually defeat. Otherwise, you’ll just be wasting time rather than filling your coin bag.

If you have just started the game, dungeons like Anica’s Claim are ideal. These dungeons aren’t too difficult to handle. You can take down the swarm of standard enemies alongside the Elite. Once finished, leave the dungeon, access your journal, and promptly reset the dungeon to do it all again. And there you have it: your gold farm.

2 Complete Whispers of the Dead

Earn Those Grim Favors

6 Best Ways To Farm for Gold in Diablo 4 (7)

After you complete the campaign, you can head to the Tree of Whispers and start clearing out Whispers of the Dead bounties. There are large, small, and medium Whispers. You can be tasked with doing any number of things like defeating a World Boss, clearing dungeons, or killing a specific number of monsters. Just keep in mind that medium Whispers require more monsters than small Whispers.

Finishing these tasks nets you Grim Favors that you must return to the Tree. Alongside XP, you’ll get a choice of Collections to pick from. If you’re after gold, then choose the gold one. You can easily get millions of gold by completing a full run. It’s perhaps one of the best gold farms once you’ve finished the campaign.

1 Defeating the Infernal Horde

Conquering the Endless Armies

6 Best Ways To Farm for Gold in Diablo 4 (8)

The Infernal Horde is different from other dungeons. You won’t directly earn gold here. In this, you’ll battle wave after wave of enemies. The waves spawn every minute, so it’s in your best interest to kill the enemies as quickly as possible. You must survive every wave until you meet and defeat The Fell Council at the end. Doing so will reward you with a resource known as Aether.

Now, with your Aethers, you can spend them on Spoils of Gold. This is where you’ll turn Infernal Horde runs into a gold farm. Spoils of Gold can earn you millions. Just finish a few of these runs and you’ll have more than enough to spend on whatever you need.


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6 Best Ways To Farm for Gold in Diablo 4 (10)



6 Best Ways To Farm for Gold in Diablo 4 (11)
6 Best Ways To Farm for Gold in Diablo 4 (12)
6 Best Ways To Farm for Gold in Diablo 4 (13)
6 Best Ways To Farm for Gold in Diablo 4 (14)
6 Best Ways To Farm for Gold in Diablo 4 (15)
6 Best Ways To Farm for Gold in Diablo 4 (16)
6 Best Ways To Farm for Gold in Diablo 4 (17)

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6 Best Ways To Farm for Gold in Diablo 4 (18)


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6 Best Ways To Farm for Gold in Diablo 4 (2025)


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